Partiamo innanzitutto con una definizione. L’Industrial Internet of Things, anche noto con l’acronimo I-IoT, rappresenta letteralmente l’applicazione dell’Internet of Things (IoT) nel mondo industriale. È dunque un’evoluzione del concetto di Internet delle cose che riguarda da vicino i processi industriali e mira a rendere questi ultimi più efficienti e sicuri. Più tecnicamente, per Industrial Internet of Things si intende quel percorso…
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Rethinking IoT Security: It’s Not About the Devices
Keeping IoT safe in the future will require securing the networks themselves. Focusing on the devices is a never-ending battle that will only become more burdensome. Across the rapidly changing enterprise landscape, Internet of Things (IoT) security is top of mind for most organizations. As cybersecurity leaders, we know that the growing amount of IoT…
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Foundational Cybersecurity Activities for IoT Device Manufacturers – NIST
IoT devices are acquired and used by many customers: individuals, companies, government agencies, educational institutions, and other organizations. Unfortunately, IoT devices often lack device capabilities that customers can use to help mitigate their cybersecurity risks, such as the functionality customers routinely expect their desktop and laptop computers, smartphones, tablets, and other IT devices to have.…
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Security Challenges and Solutions in Industrial Internet of Things Environment
The transition of industrial processes from Industry 3.0 to Industry 4.0 has inspired the technological revolution of wireless sensor networks. This revolution has created the concept of Internet of Things. The paradigm of Industry 4.0 is developed on the base of Internet of Things and jointly called Industrial Internet of Things. In this era of…
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